So you are planning to take the SAT; maybe you are planning to take the ACT. Are you unsure how to register? Are you worried that you won’t do as well as hoped? Are you confused about how schools will see your scores? Rest assured, here’s a foolproof plan to ACT/SAT registration and score submission!
Fairly self explanatory here. You should be preparing for your target test date weeks in advance. Finally, the official test will come and pass. Whew! Then it’s time to wait. Scores are projected to be released 10 days later, so take a deep breath of relief, enjoy a respite, and check your email a week or so later for notification of score release.
The reckoning is here! You now have a score report and details in hand, so be sure you understand what all the metrics mean. Speak with your guidance counselor, talk to your tutors, or revisit your college list to see how you stack up. If you are at or above the 50th percentile for most of your schools, great! If not, it’s time to evaluate your next steps. Look ahead at the testing calendar to determine if and when you’ll take the test again. Determine if you need some help to bring your scores up by speaking with your counselor or with a test prep outfit. Circle back to Phase 1 and 2 and repeat as necessary.
Finally, once the dust has settled and application deadlines loom, you can send those scores! By this time you hopefully have at least two official test scores. You can decide if you want to send one, both, or none of the above (if you are looking at test optional schools). Keep in mind superscoring mechanisms for the SAT and ACT, which means admissions will take your highest section scores from across all tests (ACT does not officially do this, so only a handful of schools participate in it). Go back to your student portal for Collegeboard or ACT, login, and send those scores. There will be a fee for each score submission, so carefully consider to which schools these scores will go.
And that wraps it up. You can now forever close the book on test prep and the SAT/ACT.
If you have more questions about the college admissions process or test preparation, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Clayborne! We are here to help.
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