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April Fools!

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The story of Clayborne’s website getting pranked on April Fools Day started back in 2014. It was Lee Elberson’s first year at Clayborne and as usual, he had given himself administrative privileges to the website and decided it would be funny to turn all of the images upside down on April Fools Day. Since that time, he has always done a prank to the website on April Fools Day, except for 2002 but no one knows why. Sometimes he plans out the prank all year and sometimes he just comes up with the prank on a whim (see Kittens & Dragons 2016).  

This year we would like to invite everyone to visit some of the previous years’ pranks before launching the 2021 prank site.

Click the images below to see our pranks sites from previous years:

2015 – Minions

2016 – Kittens & Dragons

2017 – The Office

2018 – Ridiculous

2019 – Games

 2020 – COVID cancelled everything!

Stay tuned! Our new prank site is launching on April 1st! Happy April Fool’s Day!

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