If you spend any time with Kibiriti Majuto, it won’t take long to catch his fervor and passion for life. Kibiriti speaks with excitement about his academic studies, he greets friends and acquaintances with a contagious smile, and he engages the world around him with a courageous voice. Since 2016, we at Clayborne have had the privilege of getting to know Kibiriti and walking with him as he finished high school and began postsecondary studies.
While other students his age may have been on vacations or “taking it easy” this past summer, Kibiriti was running around at 6 AM in a rainy Washington, D.C. to find a print shop so that he could gather his materials for their Zero Hour youth rally. Although he laughs about that morning now, the day was full of busy errands and energetic movements – and it was preceded by an overwhelming concern about whether or not anyone would come. But, of course, a crowd arrived and Kibiriti was able to lead his peers as they raised their voices in the nation’s capitol.
Kibiriti came to the United States with his family in 2012 from the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, Kibiriti cares and engages deeply with questions and issues of citizenship and democracy in this country as passionately as anybody. He takes this opportunity of living in Charlottesville, attending college, and having freedom of speech very seriously – through this, Kibiriti is leaving a mark on countless lives and localities.
As Kibiriti continues to further his postsecondary studies and activism, it is our hope that his story of engagement can be an encouragement to all of our students. Allow yourself to care deeply about yourself, your own story, and the world around you.
It is a great joy to get to be a part of Kibiriti’s journey.
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