Clay is featured on the latest #Shift #podcast with @achievableprep, where he walks listeners through 5 CLT Quant problems to show how they differ from SAT/ACT Math problems. You can listen to it here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/
How do CLT questions differ from ACT or SAT questions? Let’s take a look. Clay Daniel, founder of Clayborne Test Prep and Tutoring, has spent significant time with the founders of the Classic Learning Test and is one of the country’s first and most prominent CLT tutors. In this podcast, Clay walks us through five CLT Quantitative Reasoning practice questions to show how the exam tests logical reasoning more than calculation skills.
To follow along the questions, visit https://bit.ly/CLTQuantPracticeSet1 CLT practice material provided by Clayborne Education.
You can find the pod on Apple Podcasts here, and it’s also available on Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Music, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, and more.
For more resources for CLT prep, visit https://clayborne.com/clt/ where you can sign up for a free CLT Alpha prep course.
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