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The LSAT Flex is here! What’s not to like?

Written By: Clay Daniel - Founder and LSAT prep director


Hello LSAT test-takers! The LSAT Flex is here! Only 3 sections (1 LR only), on equal footing with full LSAT’s, score reporting in two weeks … what’s not to like? A few things to keep in mind:

  • The May LSAT Flex is only for test-takers registered for the (now canceled) April 25 exam. But more LSAT Flex administrations are likely on the way if the June LSAT, traditional version, has to be canceled.
  • The exact date is yet to be determined. It will be sometime in the second half of May; LSAC will let us know by April 17.
  • You can take the Flex and the normal LSAT. As before, there is no limit to the number of LSAT’s you can take. So why not sign up for June, July, and/or August and see how the chips fall? Free cancellations are likely to continue occurring for any test that COVID cancels.
  • Ask, “What does this make possible?” You may be able to apply for law school with an unprecedented shorted LSAT! This is actually an ideal time to be applying to law school, it appears. 

Contact Clayborne for guidance through these murky waters. We’re here to help!

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