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Digital SAT

July 21, 2024

ACT Announces Major Test Updates for a Better Student Experience!

Over the past year, the CollegeBoard has made significant changes to the SAT and not to be left behind, the ACT is evolving as well. We’re including highlights below but […]
April 12, 2024

Navigating the New Testing Terrain: Clayborne’s Journey with Students to the First Digital SAT!

March 9th, 2024 heralded a significant milestone in standardized testing history, as nearly 200,000 students across the country embarked on the SAT’s first digital administration. This transition, emblematic of the […]
January 10, 2024

Why the Digital SAT Might Be Right for You!

In a world where digital technology is increasingly integral to our daily lives, the SAT has taken a significant leap forward. The transition from paper to digital format brings with […]

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